Friday, 29 November 2013

Outlining Character Through Face Reading Tips

Face reading is an art made perfect by practice, and the best part is, you can have that practice without bothering anyone too much. This art is not as simple as it seems and require heavy practice and great analytically skill. One of the most significant criteria required to be a good face reader is the power of observation. Famous detectives, even fictional ones, like Sherlock Holmes have been credited with excellent observation and analytically powers. The face tells not only a whole lot about a person's character, but also about the emotions and intentions that he or she might be harboring in the depths of their heart.

To start on, one can easily delineate a few face reading tips and how it is related to the many angles and features of the face, for example, the shape of the face, eyes, color of the hair, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, lips, ears, jaws and so on. Though it may not seem so, but every person in the world is preoccupied to some degree or not with the reading of the face. Human mind is incomprehensible even to the most devoted and talented of scientists, however, the connection between one's facial expression does provide some glimpse into the puzzles of the mind.

In the very beginning, the shape of the face is an integral criteria in the face reading art. And to understand what each face shape say about the person possessing it, all one needs are a few face reading tips. The facial shapes are of many types, of which the most popular ones are round, oval, square, triangular, diamond, and heart. Each of these shapes provide interesting views into the person's persona. A round shaped person is naturally assumed to be sensitive and caring, while the one possessing a triangular facial shape are usually intellectual and with a creative bent of mind.

Even the hair color and eye color of a person can say a lot about a person's nature. A person with blond hair are often plagued with physical weakness, but are blessed with youthfulness and outstanding memory. Those with brown hair have a romantic and adventurous personality, and the ones having dark red hair are often stylish and intelligent, but has a quarrelsome streak in them. In case of men, excess body hair often depicts a sensitivity, athleticism and power, and lack of body hair often leads to a cunning personality, dominating in his fields of business.

Even analyzing the shape of the ear is a distinctive face reading tip. Small ears in a person generally means that the person is honorable and affectionate, while big ears, specially with thick earlobes are naturally rude and materialistic. Ears, that are too stretched outward often belong to people having a cruel and destructive streak in their character, while normal ears whose height is above that of the eyebrows are generally found to be vindictive in nature.

These are only some general face reading tips that can outline a person's character to some degree. Taking into account other factors of the face, one can have a pretty detailed analysis of a person's character.

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